Selasa, 27 Desember 2011


gatau mau ngungkapin kaya apa. cuma ngerasa nyaman aja. dengan semua obrolan- obrolan ga penting kita, becanda-becanda bodoh kita, dan semua yang udah kita lewatin bareng beberapa tahun ini ga bisa di pungkiri kalo rasa nyaman itu muncul. ga bisa jelasin juga kaya gimana maksud dari rasa nyaman saya ke kamu. mungkin cuma temen, atau mungkin lebih. saya cuma berharap kalo kita akan terus kaya gini. ga ada yang berubah. kita tetep jadi temen.

Rabu, 30 November 2011

I called him, Dreen.

I like him. No.... I think, I fond of him. I love the ways he walks. Gosh, he's cool that much! He kinda cute when he plays a football.  I always stare at him from the upstairs. He has my favorite eyes and absolutely gorgeous smile. Maybe, he doesn't know me at all, but it doesn't matter for me. I know his favorite colour, GREEN! bcs, he always wears a green sweater at school, sometimes the black one. So, i called him, Dreen.

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Secret Admirer

Dear You, who has the most gorgeous eyes and smile. sincerely, your best secret admirer.

Kamis, 17 November 2011


Tugas buat blog selesai. sebenrnya kalo bukan buat tugas tik ga akan buat blog, jadi yaa alhamdulillah tugas tik selese juga. mehehehehe.....
gatau mau updete apaan jadi ini aja lah buat pertama2 sih.